Franz Wilhelmsen Theatre at Maury Young Arts Centre
4335 Blackcomb Way, Whistler, BC V8E 0X5

The Resort Municipality of Whistler is grateful to be on the shared, unceded territory of the Líl̓wat People, known in their language as Lil̓wat7úl, and the Squamish People, known in their language as Sḵwx̱wú7mesh. We respect and commit to a deep consideration of their history, culture, stewardship and voice.

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting agenda of June 20, 2023.

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting minutes of June 6, 2023.

A presentation by municipal staff. 

No presentation.

  • That Council approve a Temporary Use Area liquor licensed event for a maximum of 2,000 persons to be held at the Whistler Mountain Boneyard, located above Skiers Plaza near the bottom of the Whistler Mountain Bike Park, on Saturday July 29, 2023, or, alternatively, on Friday July 28, 2023 or Sunday July 30, 2023 in the event of inclement weather, consistent with the application materials presented in Appendix A: Event Description and Plan Drawing and Appendix B: Stamped Occupant Load Plan, both attached to this Administrative Report No. 23-065. 

A presentation by municipal staff. 

  • That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to “Cemetery Management Bylaw No. 2367, 2023”; and further

    That Council receive the Cemetery Future Needs Survey Results attached as Appendix B to this Administrative Report No. 23-066.

A presentation by municipal staff. 

  • That Council endorse and authorize staff to submit an application to the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ (UBCM) 2023/24 Complete Communities Program for a grant to undertake a geospatial land use assessment of the lands within the Whistler Urban Development Containment Area; and if successful, direct staff to provide overall grant management in accordance with the UBCM’s grant requirements as attached in Appendix A to this Administrative Report No. 23-067.

A presentation by municipal staff. 

  • That Council authorize approval of Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application TUP00106 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Village Centre Permit Area, for This is Cannabis at #201 A&B, 4293 Mountain Square, for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a Good Neighbour Agreement (GNA) with the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 3 of this Administrative Report 23-068;

    That Council authorize approval of TUP application TUP00114 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Village North Permit Area, for Main Street THC Canada Ltd at #115, 4368 Main Street for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the LCRB of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a GNA with the RMOW which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 8 of this Administrative Report 23-068;

    That Council authorize approval of TUP application TUP00109 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Creekside Permit Area, for Spiritleaf Whistler at #103, 2011 Innsbruck Drive, for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the LCRB of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a GNA with the RMOW which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 11 of this Administrative Report 23-068;

    That Council authorize approval of TUP application TUP00107 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Function Junction Permit Area, for A Little Bud at #1, 1050 Millar Creek Road, for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the LCRB of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a GNA with the RMOW which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 14 of this Administrative Report 23-068;

    That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a cannabis retail licence be issued to the above four applicants;

    That Council direct that the GNAs for each of the four recommended applications be finalized to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Climate Action, Planning and Development;

    That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Village Centre Permit Area to Seed and Stone at #4, 4122 Village Green, The Green Pineapple at #7, 4433 Sundial Place, and Inspired Cannabis at #5, 4122 Village Green;

    That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Village North Permit Area to Mountain High at #211, 4368 Main Street;

    That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Creekside Permit Area to Creekside Cannabis at #321, 2063 Lake Placid Drive; and further

    That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Function Junction Permit Area to Team Cannabis at #9 and 10, 1100 Millar Creek Road.

A presentation by municipal staff. 

  • That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to “Land Use Procedures and Fees Amendment Bylaw (Development Permits, Development Variance Permits and Application Fees) No. 2404, 2023”.  

No presentation.

  • That Council approve the 2022 Statement of Financial Information attached as Appendix A to this Administrative Report No. 23-070.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Whistler Bear Advisory Committee of February 8, 2023.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the May Long Weekend Committee of April 12, 2023. 

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Governance and Ethics Standing Committee of May 15, 2023.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Accessibility and Inclusion Committee of February 1, 2023.

  • That Council give "Cemetery Management Bylaw No. 2367, 2023" first, second and third readings.

  • That Council give "Land Use Procedures and Fees Amendment Bylaw (Development Permits, Development Variance Permits and Application Fees) No. 2404, 2023" first, second and third readings.

  • That Council adopt “Five-Year Financial Plan 2023-2027 Amendment Bylaw (Hillcrest Culvert, SWWS Upgrade Grant, Transfer Station Scale Project, And Others) No. 2402, 2023."

Correspondence from Johanna Aldred regarding hikes in parking prices in the Village. 

Correspondence from Sharon Gregson regarding the UBCM Child Care Resolution.

Correspondence from Kristina Swerhun regarding the RMOW Fire Smart thinning projects.

Correspondence from Mike Richman, Mayor of Pemberton, regarding RMOW Transit Support Request.

Correspondence from Lílwat Nation Political Chief Dean Nelson, regarding Cannabis Retail Temporary Use Permits.

Correspondence from Frank Haidinger, Ron Cheung and Shirley Kero regarding Cannabis Retail Temporary Use Permit Application No. 00106.

Correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. Zage and Mr. and Mrs. Wilberg regarding Cannabis Retail Temporary Use Permit Application No. 00112.

Correspondence from Ashley J. Davies, Justine Greer, Jessica Merritt, Kirandeep Jhand, Zoe Nish, Dylan Bishop and James Nichol regarding Cannabis Retail Temporary Use Permit Application No. 00113.

Correspondence from Chloe Denny, representing the Inflamed Brain Alliance (IBA), requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit red on October 9, 2023, in order to raise awareness about the autoimmune neuropsychiatric condition known as PANS/PANDAS.

Correspondence from Captain Aaron Niles, representing the Royal Canadian Air Force, requesting Mayor and Council proclaim April 1, 2024, as the Royal Canadian Air Force Centennial Day in Whistler and that the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit red, white and blue. 

  • That Council terminate the Regular Council Meeting of June 20, 2023.

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