Franz Wilhelmsen Theatre at Maury Young Arts Centre
4335 Blackcomb Way, Whistler, BC V8E 0X5

The Resort Municipality of Whistler is grateful to be on the shared, unceded territory of the Líl̓wat People, known in their language as Lil̓wat7úl, and the Squamish People, known in their language as Sḵwx̱wú7mesh. We respect and commit to a deep consideration of their history, culture, stewardship and voice.

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting agenda of February 25, 2025.

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting minutes of February 4, 2025.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council award the contract for the Water and Sewer Valve and Fitting Replacement Project in the amount of $1,420,500 (exclusive of GST) to Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd. in accordance with the letter of recommendation attached as Appendix A to Administrative Report No. 25-008.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to “Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Updates) No. 2461, 2024”; and

    That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to “Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Accompanying Updates) No. 2463, 2024”; and

    That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to “Municipal Ticket Information System Implementation Amendment Bylaw (Statutory Declarations) No. 2466, 2025”; and further

    That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw (Statutory Declarations) No. 2467, 2025”.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council endorse the Whistler 2020 Development Corp (WDC) Cheakamus Crossing Phase 2, 1600 Mount Fee Road (Lot 3) Project Plan Rev. 1 (Project) attached as Appendix A to Administrative Report No. 25-010 and direct staff to return to a future Regular Council Meeting with an update on the financing strategy, including grant awards; and

    That Council direct staff to return to a future Regular Council Meeting with an updated recommendation if Project costs increase by 10 per cent or more before Project initiation; and

    That Council endorse a $5.9M equity contribution to support the Whistler Housing Authority Ltd.’s acquisition of Lot 3, contingent on receiving an updated financing strategy at a future Regular Council Meeting that includes grant awards of at least $7.2M to complete the required equity; and

    That Council direct staff to return to a Regular Council Meeting with the proposed housing agreement bylaw that limits the use of the Lot 3 buildings to rental tenure only and sets maximum rental rates for each unit to ensure long-term affordability, and accompanying amendments to Council Policy K-01: Employee Rental Housing, or such other Council policy updates as required, to encompass the townhouse rental framework; and further

    That Council direct staff to bring forward an amendment to the “Five-Year Financial Plan (2025 – 2029) Bylaw No. 2465, 2025” to reflect the recommended movement of reserve funds in support of the Project, once grant funding is confirmed.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council consider giving first, second and third readings to the “Five-Year Financial Plan 2024 – 2028 (EV Chargers and Operations) Amendment Bylaw No. 2472, 2025”.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council endorse the Resort Municipality of Whistler entering Fee for Service funding (FFS) agreements to set the annual baseline funding amount with the following five organizations for a three-year term from 2025 – 2027:

    • Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council up to $75,705;
    • Whistler Animals Galore up to $124,373;
    • Whistler Off-Road Cycling Association up to $290,925;
    • Whistler Museum and Archives Society up to $224,950; and
    • Whistler Arts Council up to $594,825;

    subject to each of the above-named organizations agreeing to the terms and conditions of a FFS agreement substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Administrative Report No. 25-012. 

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Accessibility and Inclusion Select Committee of October 2, 2024.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Advisory Design Panel Select Committee of September 18, 2024.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Climate Action and Environment Select Committee of November 6, 2024.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Board of Variance of July 29, 2024.

  • That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Emergency Planning Select Committee of October 29, 2024.

  • That Council give "Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Updates) No. 2461, 2024" first, second and third readings.

  • That Council give "Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Accompanying Updates) No. 2463, 2024" first, second and third readings.

  • That Council give "Municipal Ticket Information System Implementation Amendment Bylaw (Statutory Declarations) No. 2466, 2025" first, second and third readings.

  • That Council give "Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw (Statutory Declarations) No. 2467, 2025" first, second and third readings.

  • That Council give "Five-Year Financial Plan 2024-2028 Amendment Bylaw (EV Chargers and Operations) No. 2472, 2025" first, second and third readings.

Correspondence from P. Perras concerning a proposal to implement locally controlled emergency dispatch services. 

Correspondence from F. Soeltl Kitahara regarding concerns and proposed improvements to the Cheakamus Neighbourhood bus stops.

Correspondence from P. Woolnough regarding the allocation of licensing fees to the Whistler Animal Galore Society.

Correspondence from N. Wotton, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit red and white on May 8, 2025, in support of the 80th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day and the Liberation of the Netherlands.

Correspondence from K. Burns, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit purple on May 18, 2025, in support of Global Porphyria Day.

Correspondence from D. Askin, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit purple on October 16, 2025, in support of National Disability Employment
Awareness Month.

Correspondence from A. Woodard, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit pink and blue on March 3, 2025, in support of Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month.

Correspondence from A. Seidel, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit purple on April 8, 2025, in support of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month.

Correspondence from T. Preston, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit yellow and blue, on March 22, 2025, in support of World Down Syndrome Day. 

Correspondence from A. Wrobel, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit blue on April 11, 2025, in support of World Parkinson’s Day.

  • That Council terminate the Regular Council Meeting of February 25, 2025.

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