That Council endorse the Whistler 2020 Development Corp (WDC) Cheakamus Crossing Phase 2, 1600 Mount Fee Road (Lot 3) Project Plan Rev. 1 (Project) attached as Appendix A to Administrative Report No. 25-010 and direct staff to return to a future Regular Council Meeting with an update on the financing strategy, including grant awards; and
That Council direct staff to return to a future Regular Council Meeting with an updated recommendation if Project costs increase by 10 per cent or more before Project initiation; and
That Council endorse a $5.9M equity contribution to support the Whistler Housing Authority Ltd.’s acquisition of Lot 3, contingent on receiving an updated financing strategy at a future Regular Council Meeting that includes grant awards of at least $7.2M to complete the required equity; and
That Council direct staff to return to a Regular Council Meeting with the proposed housing agreement bylaw that limits the use of the Lot 3 buildings to rental tenure only and sets maximum rental rates for each unit to ensure long-term affordability, and accompanying amendments to Council Policy K-01: Employee Rental Housing, or such other Council policy updates as required, to encompass the townhouse rental framework; and further
That Council direct staff to bring forward an amendment to the “Five-Year Financial Plan (2025 – 2029) Bylaw No. 2465, 2025” to reflect the recommended movement of reserve funds in support of the Project, once grant funding is confirmed.