That Council authorize approval of Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application TUP00106 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Village Centre Permit Area, for This is Cannabis at #201 A&B, 4293 Mountain Square, for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a Good Neighbour Agreement (GNA) with the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 3 of this Administrative Report 23-068;
That Council authorize approval of TUP application TUP00114 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Village North Permit Area, for Main Street THC Canada Ltd at #115, 4368 Main Street for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the LCRB of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a GNA with the RMOW which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 8 of this Administrative Report 23-068;
That Council authorize approval of TUP application TUP00109 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Creekside Permit Area, for Spiritleaf Whistler at #103, 2011 Innsbruck Drive, for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the LCRB of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a GNA with the RMOW which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 11 of this Administrative Report 23-068;
That Council authorize approval of TUP application TUP00107 for the Retail Sale of Cannabis in the Function Junction Permit Area, for A Little Bud at #1, 1050 Millar Creek Road, for a period of three years, subject to confirmation from the LCRB of issuance of a Provincial cannabis retail licence and the applicant entering into a GNA with the RMOW which incorporates the applicant’s proposed measures to address community considerations as summarized in Table 14 of this Administrative Report 23-068;
That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a cannabis retail licence be issued to the above four applicants;
That Council direct that the GNAs for each of the four recommended applications be finalized to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Climate Action, Planning and Development;
That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Village Centre Permit Area to Seed and Stone at #4, 4122 Village Green, The Green Pineapple at #7, 4433 Sundial Place, and Inspired Cannabis at #5, 4122 Village Green;
That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Village North Permit Area to Mountain High at #211, 4368 Main Street;
That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Creekside Permit Area to Creekside Cannabis at #321, 2063 Lake Placid Drive; and further
That Council direct staff to recommend to the LCRB that a licence not be issued in the Function Junction Permit Area to Team Cannabis at #9 and 10, 1100 Millar Creek Road.