That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP001848 (DP001848) for the proposed new private sector housing initiative development located at 2077 Garibaldi Way that is comprised of 14 employee restricted townhomes and 6 market townhomes, as illustrated on the architectural and landscape plans labelled A-0.0, A-0.1, (resident A-2.2, A-2.4, A-2.6, A-2.8, A-3.1, A-3.2, A-3.3 and A-4.1), (market A-2.2, A-2.4, A-2.6, A-2.8, A-3.1, A-3.2, A-3.3, A-4.1), A-5.1, 3D-1, 3D-2, 3D-3, L-1.0, L-1.1, L-1.2, L-1.3, L-1.4, L-1.5, L-2.0 and L-2.1, prepared by Murdoch + Company Ltd. dated July 4, 2022 attached as Appendix A to this Administrative Report 22-115, and civil plans KEY-1, SERV-1, SAN-PUMP, SMP-1, R-1, DET-1 and DET-2 prepared by Creus Engineering dated July 21, 2022 attached as Appendix B to this Administrative Report 22-115, subject to adoption of OCP Amendment Bylaw (2077 Garibaldi Way) No. 2290, 2020 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw (2077 Garibaldi Way) No. 2291, 2020; and
That Council permit tandem parking for the proposed employee restricted townhomes located at 2077 Garibaldi Way; and
That Council direct staff to advise the applicant that, prior to issuance of DP001848, the following condition must be completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Resort Experience:
- Provision of landscape security in the amount of $139,545; and further
That Council require the following items be included as conditions within DP001848:
- The applicant is to provide a roof snow shed report by a professional engineer, completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Resort Experience, prior to issuance of a building permit for vertical construction; and
- Development of the site is to be carried out per the recommendations of the Initial Environmental Review (Cascade Environmental, August 19, 2020); and
- All Vaccinium found wild on the property shall be removed; and further
- Any tree or vegetation removal that will occur in the bird nesting window (April 1 – September 1) will require a Qualified Environmental Professional or other environmental professional to conduct bird nest surveys prior to any vegetation clearing or removal. Any active nest found must be retained as per s. 34 BC Wildlife Act with an adequate buffer. Special attention should be paid to detecting the presence of two species at risk with potential to occur on the site: band tailed pigeon and common nighthawk.