Questions asked in person.
Dawn Titus, 8440 Bear Paw Trail
D. Titus asked if there is a plan to review the numbers, accidents and other concerns on the Valley Trail?
Mayor J. Crompton advised there was a report presented to Council last year and that Council will consider adjustments based on the results of an ongoing pilot project.
D. Titus noted there is currently an increase of e-bikes and commercial users on the trail, and asked if anyone is overseeing commercial users and lack of helmets on the trails?
General Manager of Corporate and Community Services, T. Battiston advised helmet laws are federal and under the purview of the RCMP.
General Manager of Resort Experience, J. Gresley-Jones advised the RMOW is not actively policing the commercial operators and that all should be operating within the legal framework. Reports of speed issues have been received and there are new counters out on Whistler trails. New users on the trails and some pilot projects across BC are being monitored to see the results so we can take a consistent approach.