That Council endorse an increase in the hourly rates for Sundial Crescent, Visitor’s Loop, Main Street, Blackcomb Way, Municipal Hall, Village Green, Conference Centre Underground/Surface and Library parking lots from $2 to $2.50 effective April 3, 2023;
That Council endorse an increase in the evening rate for the Conference Underground and Library parking lots from $5 to $6.25 effective April 3, 2023;
That Council endorse an increase in the daily rate for the Conference Underground and Library parking lots from $20 to $25 effective April 3, 2023;
That Council endorse an increase in the monthly rate for the Conference Level 4 Underground parking lot from $70 to $88 effective April 3, 2023;
That Council direct staff to propose a resolution to the Day Lot Operating Committee to endorse year-round paid parking in Day Lot 4 and 5 and if successful, direct staff to propose a further recommendation to endorse a $25/month pass in Day Lot 4 and 5;
That Council direct staff to assign the incremental revenues associated with potential year-round pay parking in Day Lot 4 and 5 to further support of community transportation initiatives; and further,
That Council direct staff to support changes to pay parking rates with an associated communications strategy.