That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP001820 for the proposed addition to the ground floor of the restaurant building at 4005 Whistler Way, as illustrated on the architectural drawings A0.00-A0.60, prepared by Pacific Coast Architecture Inc. dated July 8, 2021, attached as Appendix B to Administrative Report No. 21-090, subject to Council adoption of “Zoning Amendment Bylaw (4005 Whistler Way) No. 2321, 2021”; and
That Council vary the parcel line building setbacks from 9 metres to 0.15 metres for the proposed building addition; and
That Council direct staff to advise the applicant that, prior to issuance of the development permit, the following terms and conditions must be completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Resort Experience:
- The applicant is to demonstrate that suitable solid waste receptacle space is available to meet the requirements of the Solid Waste Management Bylaw No. 2139, 2017; and
- Submission of a final set of Development Permit drawings that incorporate any revisions that result from addressing the conditions specified in this recommendation for Development Permit issuance; and further
That Council require the following items be included as conditions within Development Permit DP001820:
- Six new Acer Circinatum (Vine Maple) trees are to be provided alongside the proposed building addition in accordance with Landscaping Plan L1.0, L1.1, and L1.2, prepared by Crosland Doak Design, dated July 7, 2021, attached as Appendix C to Administrative Report No. 21-090; and
- If any of the existing trees to the east of the proposed ground floor extension are removed or significantly damaged, as determined by Resort Experience staff, as part of the proposed development, they are to be replaced with new Acer Circinatum (Vine Maple) trees of a minimum height of 2 metres or 3 inches trunk diameter; and
- Any tree or vegetation removal that will occur in the bird nesting window (April 1 – September 1) will require a QEP/environmental professional to conduct bird nest surveys prior to any vegetation clearing or removal. Any active nest found must be retained as per s. 34 BC Wildlife Act with an adequate buffer; and further
- Development, including construction and alterations that will inconvenience or jeopardize the use of public areas in Whistler Village by creating construction noise or the placement of construction materials or barriers in public areas, is not to be carried out between July 1 of any year and September 5 of the same year, except as may be specified in the Development Permit.