REGULAR MEETING OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILAGENDATuesday, June 07, 2022 at 5:30 P.m. - 6:30 P.m.Franz Wilhelmsen Theatre at Maury Young Arts Centre4335 Blackcomb Way, Whistler, BC V8E 0X51.CALL TO ORDER The Resort Municipality of Whistler is grateful to be on the shared, unceded territory of the Lil’wat People, known in their language as Lil̓wat7úl, and the Squamish People, known in their language as Sḵwx̱wú7mesh. We respect and commit to a deep consideration of their history, culture, stewardship and voice.2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting agenda of June 7, 2022.3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.2022-05-24 Regular Council Minutes DRAFT.pdf2.2022-05-25 PH 2350 Minutes DRAFT.pdfThat Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting minutes of May 24, 2022; and That Council adopt the Public Hearing minutes of Land Use Contract Termination Bylaw (Blackcomb Mountain) No. 2350, 2022 of May 25, 2022.4.PRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS 4.12022 Corporate Plan and 2021 Annual Report A presentation by Chief Administrative Officer, V. Cullen, regarding the 2022 Corporate Plan and 2021 Annual Report.5.PUBLIC QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 6.MAYOR'S REPORT 7.INFORMATION REPORTS 7.1Implementation Of The BC Energy Step Code and Low Carbon Energy Systems Pathway Report No. 22-079 File No. 5290 1.01-2022-06-07_Burhenne_step_code_planning.pdf2.Appendix A - RMOW Step Code LCES Workshop - participant summary.pdfA presentation by municipal staff. That Council receive the Information Report No. 22-079 regarding progress on the Resort Municipality of Whistler’s plans to adopt the BC Energy Step Code for Part 3 buildings and incentivize the installation of low carbon energy systems in Whistler.7.24500 Northlands Rezoning – Phase 2 Introduction Report No. 22-080 File No. RZ001173 1.02-2022-06-07-4500 Northlands Rezoning Phase 2 Introduction.pdf2.Appendix A - Guiding Principles.pdf3.Appendix B - Response to Official Community Plan.pdf4.Appendix C - Response to Guiding Principles.pdf5.Appendix D - Sustainability.pdf6.Appendix E - Alternative Concepts - Overview.pdf7.Appendix F - Alternative Concepts - Northlands Village Green.pdf8.Appendix G - Alternative Concepts - The Boulevard.pdfA presentation by municipal staff. That Council receive the Information Report No. 22-080 regarding the 4500 Northlands Rezoning.8.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 8.1Whistler Electric Vehicle Strategy 2022 Report No. 22-081 File No. 5290 1.03-2022-06-07_Burhenne_EV_strategy.pdf2.Appendix_A-Whistler Electric Vehicle Strategy_June_2022.pdfA presentation by municipal staff. That Council adopt the Whistler Electric Vehicle Strategy, attached as Appendix A to this Administrative Report to Council No. 22-081; to identify and implement the actions the Resort Municipality of Whistler can take to achieve the Whistler 2020 Climate Action Big Moves Strategy - Big Move 2 goal that by 2030, 50 per cent of all vehicle kilometres driven in Whistler are by zero emission vehicles. 8.2Land Use Contract Termination Bylaw (Blackcomb Mountain) No. 2350, 2022 – Public Hearing and Third Reading Report No. 22-082 File No. LUC00022 1.04-2022-06-07_LUC00022_Post-PH-Report.pdf2.Appendix A - Subject Lands.pdf3.Appendix B - PH_Summary_Report.pdfA presentation by municipal staff. That Council consider giving third reading to “Land Use Contract Termination Bylaw (Blackcomb Mountain) No. 2350, 2022".8.3Building and Plumbing Regulation Bylaw Fee Update Report No. 22-083 File No. 3900-20-1617 1.05-2022-06-07 Building Permit Fee Report.pdfA presentation by municipal staff. That Council direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Building and Plumbing Regulation Bylaw No. 1617 specifically to increase Building and Plumbing Permit Fees.8.4Whistler Village Land Co. Ltd. – 2022 Annual Filing Report No. 22-084 File No. 0500-02-0008 1.06-2022-06-07-Whistler Village Land Co. Ltd. 2022 Annual Filings.pdf2.Appendix A - Shareholder Resolutions.pdf3.Appendix B - Directors' Resolutions.pdf4.Appendix C - 2021 Financial Statements.pdfNo presentation.That Council of the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) in open meeting assembled, hereby resolves that the RMOW, as sole shareholder of Whistler Village Land Co. Ltd. (the Company), pass the consent resolutions of the sole shareholder of the Company; a copy of which is attached as Appendix A to this Administrative Report No. 22-084, and that the consent resolutions be executed and delivered on behalf of the RMOW.8.5Transfer Of Cheakamus Crossing Phase Two Lots 2, 3 and 5 to Whistler 2020 Development Corp Report No. 22-085 File No. 0500-02-0008 1.08-2022-06-07_Transfer of CC Lots 2_3_and_5 Report.pdf2.App A_WDC Request to Transfer Lots 2_3 and 5.pdf3.App B_LTSA Transfer Documents (Lots 2_3_5).pdfNo presentation.That Council direct staff to execute the transfer of legal title of the following three Cheakamus Crossing Phase Two (Cheakamus Lands) parcels from the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) as nominee, agent and bare trustee of the Cheakamus Lands, to the Whistler 2020 Development Corp (WDC) at nominal cost for WDC's ongoing and future development of employee restricted housing: PLAN EPP111931, LOT 2 DISTRICT LOT 8073 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT GROUP 1 PID: 031-508-511, Folio: 008073.050 PLAN EPP111931, LOT 3 DISTRICT LOT 8073 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT GROUP 1 PID: 031-508-529, Folio: 008073.055 PLAN EPP111931, LOT 5 DISTRICT LOT 8073 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT GROUP 1 PID: 031-508-545, Folio: 008073.065 9.MINUTES OF COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS 9.1Advisory Design Panel 1.2022-03-23_ADP_Minutes_Signed.pdfRegular Meeting minutes of the Advisory Design Panel of March 23, 2022.That Council receive the Regular Meeting minutes of the Advisory Design Panel of March 23, 2022.10.BYLAWS FOR THIRD READING 10.1Land Use Contract Termination Bylaw (Blackcomb Mountain) No. 2350, 2022 1.BYL002350.pdfThat Council give "Land Use Contract Termination Bylaw (Blackcomb Mountain) No. 2350, 2022" third reading.11.CORRESPONDENCE 11.1Community Enrichment Program (CEP) Appreciation File No. 3009 1.2022-05-31 WFHC Thank you letter.pdfCorrespondence from A. McCarthy regarding CEP funding for the Whistler Field Hockey Club.11.2Whistler Housing Authority Affordability File No. 3009 1.2022-05-22 M. Hengeveld Affordable Accomodation_.pdfCorrespondence from M. Hengeveld regarding affordability of Whistler Housing Authority units.11.3White Gold Undergrounding Project File No. 3009 1.2022-05-18 S. Carrell WGUP.pdf2.2022-05-31 P. Wiebe WGUP_.pdfCorrespondence from the following individuals regarding the White Gold Undergrounding Project: S. Carrell; and P. Wiebe. 11.4Noise Control Bylaw No. 2295, 2022 File No. 3009 1.2022-05-24 A. Tavuchis Proposed Noise Bylaw.pdf2.2022-05-24 C. Addario Proposed Noise Bylaw.pdf3.2022-05-31 B. Bucholz Noise Bylaw_.pdfCorrespondence from the following individuals regarding Noise Control Bylaw No. 2295, 2022: C. Addario; A. Tavuchis; and B. Bucholz. 11.5Light-up and Proclamation Requests a.World Blood Donor Day File No. 3009.1 1.2022-05-27 C. McCutcheon Light-up Request1_.pdf2.2022-05-27 C. McCutcheon Light-up Request2_.pdfCorrespondence from C. McCutcheon requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit red on June 14, 2022, in support of World Blood Donor Day. b.Color the World Orange File No. 3009.1 1.2022-05-29 CTWO 2022.pdfCorrespondence from K. Haunss, requesting the Fitzsimmons Covered Bridge be lit orange on November 7, 2022, to spread awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).12.TERMINATION That Council terminate the Regular Council Meeting of June 7, 2022.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.03-2022-06-07_Burhenne_EV_strategy.pdf2.Appendix_A-Whistler Electric Vehicle Strategy_June_2022.pdf1.06-2022-06-07-Whistler Village Land Co. Ltd. 2022 Annual Filings.pdf2.Appendix A - Shareholder Resolutions.pdf3.Appendix B - Directors' Resolutions.pdf4.Appendix C - 2021 Financial Statements.pdf1.05-2022-06-07 Building Permit Fee Report.pdf1.2022-03-23_ADP_Minutes_Signed.pdf1.01-2022-06-07_Burhenne_step_code_planning.pdf2.Appendix A - RMOW Step Code LCES Workshop - participant summary.pdf1.02-2022-06-07-4500 Northlands Rezoning Phase 2 Introduction.pdf2.Appendix A - Guiding Principles.pdf3.Appendix B - Response to Official Community Plan.pdf4.Appendix C - Response to Guiding Principles.pdf5.Appendix D - Sustainability.pdf6.Appendix E - Alternative Concepts - Overview.pdf7.Appendix F - Alternative Concepts - Northlands Village Green.pdf8.Appendix G - Alternative Concepts - The Boulevard.pdf1.04-2022-06-07_LUC00022_Post-PH-Report.pdf2.Appendix A - Subject Lands.pdf3.Appendix B - PH_Summary_Report.pdf1.BYL002350.pdf1.2022-05-18 S. Carrell WGUP.pdf2.2022-05-31 P. Wiebe WGUP_.pdf1.2022-05-31 WFHC Thank you letter.pdf1.2022-05-24 A. Tavuchis Proposed Noise Bylaw.pdf2.2022-05-24 C. Addario Proposed Noise Bylaw.pdf3.2022-05-31 B. Bucholz Noise Bylaw_.pdf1.2022-05-22 M. Hengeveld Affordable Accomodation_.pdf1.2022-05-27 C. McCutcheon Light-up Request1_.pdf2.2022-05-27 C. McCutcheon Light-up Request2_.pdf1.2022-05-29 CTWO 2022.pdf1.08-2022-06-07_Transfer of CC Lots 2_3_and_5 Report.pdf2.App A_WDC Request to Transfer Lots 2_3 and 5.pdf3.App B_LTSA Transfer Documents (Lots 2_3_5).pdf1.2022-05-24 Regular Council Minutes DRAFT.pdf2.2022-05-25 PH 2350 Minutes DRAFT.pdf