That Council direct staff to prepare an amendment to “Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015” to comply with the requirements of provincial Bill 44, consistent with the approach described in this Administrative Report No. 24-040, including applying overlay regulations in Part 5, providing for development permit exemptions equivalent to those that apply to detached and duplex dwellings, and including employee housing provisions respecting a portion of the additional housing units permitted by the overlay regulations; and
That Council instruct staff to prepare a bylaw designating the “Gondola Exchange” as a transit-oriented development area in accordance with provincial Bill 47, and to prepare an amendment to Part 6 of “Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015” that makes residential off-street motor vehicle parking requirements inapplicable in the transit-oriented development area, except to the extent that Part 6 requires the provision of parking spaces for use by people with disabilities.