Franz Wilhelmsen Theatre at Maury Young Arts Centre
4335 Blackcomb Way, Whistler, BC V8E 0X5

  • That the Committee of the Whole (COTW) appoint Councillor A. De Jong as Chair over the COTW Meeting for November 5, 2024.

The Resort Municipality of Whistler is grateful to be on the shared, unceded territory of the Líl̓wat People, known in their language as Lil̓wat7úl, and the Squamish People, known in their language as Sḵwx̱wú7mesh. We respect and commit to a deep consideration of their history, culture, stewardship and voice.

  • That the Committee of the Whole (COTW) adopt the COTW Meeting agenda of November 5, 2024.

  • That the Committee of the Whole (COTW) adopt the COTW Meeting minutes of October 22, 2024.

A presentation by the owner and consultant for Flywheel Building Solutions, K. Kunka and municipal staff regarding the Building and Plumbing Bylaw Modernization Project.

  • That the Committee of the Whole (COTW) report their recommendations to Council at the November 19, 2024, Regular Council Meeting and terminate the COTW Meeting of November 5, 2024.