Remote Meeting

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting Agenda of April 21, 2020.

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 7, 2020.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council approve the issuance of Development Permit DP1688 for the proposed new community church at 7226 Fitzsimmons Road North, as illustrated on the architectural drawings A0.00, A0.02, A1.00, A2.01, A3.00, A4.00, A4.01, A9.00-9.03, SK01-02, dated March 8, 2020, prepared by Air Studio Architecture attached as Appendix “C” to Report No. 20-038 and landscape plan L1 prepared by Tom Barratt dated October 24, 2019 attached as Appendix “D” to Administrative Report No. 20-038; and

    That Council direct staff to advise the applicant that, prior to issuance of the development permit, the following terms and conditions must be completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Resort Experience:

    1. Provision of a letter of credit, or other approved security, in the amount of 135 per cent of the costs of the hard and soft landscape works as security for the construction and maintenance of these works; and

    That Council authorize the amendment of the existing development covenant BT350435 to remove provisions related to the subdivision of the subject church site, which no longer apply, and to reflect the proposed development as illustrated in the referenced development permit drawings; and further

    That Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the necessary legal documents for this application.

Correspondence from Brice de Schietere requesting that the Fitzsimmons Bridge be lit blue and yellow on May 9, 2020 in support of Europe Day in Canada.

Correspondence from Paul Hothersall, regarding RZ1152 Whistler Mountain Ski Club Cabin.

Correspondence from Wolfgang Lindemann, regarding 5G safety concerns.

Correspondence from Peter Reynolds, regarding RMOW staffing during the COVID-19 crisis.

Correspondence from Rhonda L. Millikin, regarding a housing job match program.

Correspondence from Rhonda L. Millikin, regarding lighting at Lost Lake.

  • That the Regular Council Meeting of April 21, 2020 be terminated.