Remote Meeting
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  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting Agenda of November 17, 2020.

  • That Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2020.

A presentation by Whistler 2020 Development Corporation Board Member Eric Martin regarding the Parcel A update.

Employee Recognition Week Awards - presented by CAO V. Cullen.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council receive Information Report No. 20-113 regarding quarterly progress on implementing the 2016 Community Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP).

No presentation.

  • That Council approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP01199 for the proposed development located at 2931 Big Timber Court to vary the height of a retaining wall located in a side setback area from 0.6 metres to 1.1 metres, as shown on Architectural Plans ID 9 and ID 12 dated March 16, 2020, prepared by Upward Construction, and Site Survey dated February 26, 2020, prepared by Doug Bush Survey Services Ltd., attached as Appendices “B” and “C” to Administrative Report to Council No. 20-114.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council receive the update for the TAG Community Engagement February – March 2020 Summary Report attached as Appendix “A” to Administrative Report to Council No. 20-115;

    That Council receive the update for the Whistler Transportation Action Plan 2020 monitoring program attached as Appendix “B” to Administrative Report to Council No. 20-115;

    That Council authorize staff to work with the Day Lot Operating Committee, RMOW staff and TAG members to implement the next steps for the Whistler Transportation Action Plan as recommended by the Transportation Advisory Group at the October 8, 2020 meeting; and further

    That Council direct staff to advertise for applications for the four Citizen-at-Large positions on the Transportation Advisory Group to be appointed by Council at the January 19, 2021 Closed meeting of Council.

A presentation by municipal staff.

  • That Council direct staff to continue with Option Three: Electronic meetings, as described in this report, such that Regular meetings of Council continue to be held by electronic means with electronic participation by Councillors, staff and the public;

    That pursuant to Ministerial Order No. M192, the RMOW affirm that it is excluding in-person public attendance at its Regular Council meetings on the basis that full public attendance in a manner consistent with public health orders and recommendations cannot be accommodated at this time and the RMOW is ensuring openness, transparency, accessibility and accountability at these meetings by the following means:

    • Providing draft agendas and minutes on the RMOW’s website;
    • Providing clear communication to Council, staff and members of the public on the ways people can hear, or see and hear, Regular Council meetings;
    • In addition to our regular avenues for receiving Council correspondence, providing the opportunity for members of the public to email in questions for Public Q&A up to 4:00 p.m. on the Council meeting day;
    • Providing for members of the public to “attend” meetings via Zoom webinar and participate in Public Q&A via their phone or computer;
    • Continued livestreaming of Regular Council meetings; and
    • Providing videos of Regular Council meetings as available on the RMOW’s new interactive website for viewing on an on demand basis;

    That Council direct staff to return with an updated report in four months’ time, or when the Province enters Phase Four of the Provincial Restart Plan, or when current public health orders change to allow increased attendance at in-person meetings, whichever occurs first; and

    That Council direct staff to continue to hold Public Hearings by electronic means with electronic participation by Councillors, staff and the public.

No presentation.

  • That the Council of the Resort Municipality of Whistler (the “Municipality”) in open meeting assembled, hereby resolves that the Municipality, as sole shareholder of Emerald Dreams Conservation Co. Ltd. (the “Company”), pass the consent resolutions of the sole shareholder of the Company; a copy of which is attached as Appendix “A” to this Administrative Report No. 20-118, and that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk execute and deliver the attached resolutions on behalf of the Municipality.

Regular meeting minutes of the Transit Management Advisory Committee of September 28, 2020.

  • That Council receive the regular meeting minutes of the Transit Management Advisory Committee of September 28, 2020.

Correspondence from the following individuals, regarding the Alta Lake Sewer Extension Petition:

  • David Ashby; and
  • Bob and Connie Griffiths.

Correspondence from Cory Heavener regarding Adoption Awareness Month.

Correspondence from Dan Wilson regarding the Lakeside Park Concession.

Correspondence from Brendan Ladner regarding the 2020 Transportation Report.

Correspondence from MP Patrick Weiler regarding the Universal Broadband Fund Launch.

Correspondence from MP Patrick Weiler regarding the Food Banks Canada Rural and Northern Capacity Fund.

Correspondence from MP Patrick Weiler regarding the Early Learning and Child Care Innovation Program.

  • That the Regular Council Meeting of November 17, 2020 be terminated.

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