That Council authorize the General Manager of Climate Action, Planning and Development Services to issue Development Permit DP001906 to authorize a 6-storey, 66 unit staff housing apartment (Building 8) to be added to the existing staff housing complex at 4800-4814 Glacier Lane, as illustrated on the architectural and landscape plans labelled A-1.0, A-1.1, A-1.2, A-1.3, A-2.0, A-2.1, A-2.2, A-2.3, A-2.4, A-2.5, A-3.1, A-3.2, A-4.1, A-4.2, L-0.1, L-0.2, L-1.0, L-1.1, L-1.1V, L-1.2, L-1.3, L-2.1 and TP-1, prepared by Murdoch + Company Ltd. dated January 27, 2023 attached as Appendix A to this Administrative Report 23-022, and civil plans labelled 19-0393-KP1, 19-0393-KP2, 19-0393-SG1, 19-0393-XC1, 19-0393-SWMP2, 19-0393-S1-1, 19-0393-ST1-1, 19-0393-W1-1, 19-0393-W1-2, 19-0393-D1, 19-0393-ESC1, 19-0393-ESC2 and 19-0393-SWCP1 prepared by R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. dated January 24, 2023 attached as Appendix B to this Administrative Report 23-022; and
That Council permit a variance to reduce the side setback from 7.6 metres to 5.9 metres for the proposed Building 8 employee restricted development located at 4800 Glacier Lane; and
That Council direct staff to advise the applicant that, prior to issuance of DP001906, the following condition must be completed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Climate Action, Planning and Development Services:
- Provision of landscape security in the amount of $190,742; and further
That Council require the following items be included as conditions within DP001906:
- The development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the summary of specifications set out under the heading “Green Building Strategies” provided in the memorandum titled “Vail Resorts – 4800 Glacier Lane, Staff Housing Development Green Building Intent and Rationale” prepared by Murdoch + Company Ltd. and dated March 16, 2020, and revised January 20, 2022;
- At least four of the residential dwelling units are to be designed and constructed as Accessible Units in accordance with BC Housing Design Guidelines and Construction Standards, 2019;
- No less than 100 square metres of employee services/common space shall be provided in perpetuity on the basement level of Building 8;
- Development of the site is to be carried out per the recommendations of the Initial Environmental Review (Cascade Environmental, March 3, 2020);
- The applicant is to protect existing trees and forest to remain as shown on Tree Preservation Plan TP-1 (Murdoch + Company Ltd., January 27, 2023);
- Trees to be removed must be flagged and approved for removal by the General Manager of Climate Action, Planning and Development or designate prior to any removal;
- Restoration of the site is to be carried out in accordance with Landscape Plan L-2.1 (Murdoch + Company Ltd., January 27, 2023);
- Any tree or vegetation removal that will occur in the bird nesting window (April 1 – September 1) will require a Qualified Environmental Professional or other environmental professional to conduct bird nest surveys prior to any vegetation clearing or removal. Any active nest found must be retained as per s. 34 BC Wildlife Act with an adequate buffer. Special attention should be paid to detecting the presence of one species at risk with potential to occur on the site: band-tailed pigeon; and
- The development shall meet the following FireSmart® requirements:
- Eaves shall be closed and vents screened with 3 millimetre wire mesh;
- Gutter shall be made of metal and the undersides of balconies, decks or open foundations shall be sheathed with fire-resistant materials;
- Cladding shall be free of gaps and holes and separated from the ground with a minimum of 15 centimetres of non-combustible ground to siding clearance;
- The use of bark mulch or similar organic ground cover in landscaped areas within 10 metres of the building is not permitted;
- Within 10 metres of principal buildings plant/remove conifers to achieve a trunk to trunk or trunk to building spacing of 6 metres, and
- Within 20 metres of principal buildings, dead branches and twigs should be cleared and standing dead trees with a caliper of 17 centimetres or more should be topped at 3 metres and cleared of all branches.